
vps网友提供 03-14 vps促销优惠 6322



With deep regret I hate to inform you that Own Web will no longer be offering VPS services within Germany, USA, Finland and France as from 24th of March 2021. We will also be closing down our Get Web Hosting range and Lowend VPS range on this date including UK locations, I understand loads of you will be angry about this decision. However, it has no longer become viable for myself and unfair that I am unable to always support you, any UK based managed services or packages from Own Web or Powerful Box will not be affected by this as alternative arrangement has been made.

Please if you are affected by this, please backup all your data from your VPS by the 24th of March to avoid any data lose. I do deeply regret this decision and understand I am letting loads of you down but I can no longer give the support that’s required due the number of customers I have to deal with, I have also been running at a lose for the last half year. I also urge anyone with these services that have PayPal subscriptions with us to login to their PayPal account and cancel them now, unfortunately only you can cancel these subscriptions and can not be cancelled from our side.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise to you all for this decision but I could not see no other option to get out the hole I am in and to deliver the support for your services you all deserve. I will also like to Thank you all for the experience of the last 3 years as it has literally been swat, blood and tears I also had a lot of laughs and smiles in there as well.

I wish you all the very best of luck wherever you go and hope finding a new reliable home does not cause much trouble for you.

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