Linode:Tokyo 2机房可以抢先尝试

vps网友提供 08-26 vps促销优惠 3875

VPS获得的最新消息,linode的日本第二个机房Tokyo 2已经筹备基本完善,目前,linode正打算召集一批用户进行beta版本的测试和尝试。参与办法:在后台发ticket,说明自己要添加Tokyo 2机房的VPS。测试从11月9日开始,测试完之后用户不受影响可以继续使用,不会销毁之类的;当然,你还是要付费才能继续使用,测试的时候开的VPS也是按照正常收费的。







We are opening up our Tokyo 2 datacenter for beta testing and are seeking beta testers - new and existing customers are free to request access. A few things to keep in mind beforehand:

  • Tokyo 2 is KVM only.
  • If this is your first time moving from Xen to KVM this guide can be helpful.
  • All Linodes must be on our latest pricing plans.
  • This is the beta period so we recommend against using this beta for production systems.

How do we sign up?
Open a ticket to request being added to the Tokyo 2 beta.

When can we access the datacenter?
Right now! (The beta started November 9th, 2016)

How do we access the datacenter?
After you enroll in the beta, "Tokyo 2" will be appear in the list of available locations when creating a new Linode. We can also migrate your existing servers to Tokyo 2 through a Support ticket.

What happens to our servers after the beta ends?
Your servers will remain in Tokyo 2, data completely intact.

Please open a support ticket if you encounter an issue while conducting your testing. Include a detailed explanation of the problem and steps to recreate the issue, if applicable. We thank you for joining us through this exciting period!


实在不知道如何发ticket的,可以参考:i need to creat a Tokyo linode, please add the Tokyo 2 beta in my linode location.







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标签: linode,linode日本

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