远程连接软件:好用的远程连接工具大集合 Putty Xshell+RDO Xshell + Xftp MRemoteNG MobaXterm Remotedesktop SocksCap64

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2、xshell+RDO 或者xshell + xftp

3、mRemoteNG 详细使用方法见博文:mRemoteNG: 强大的远程连接工具 远程桌面连接利器 整合型运维管理工具

4、MobaXterm  本文将详细介绍




破解Securecrt怕中毒,Xshell 用着不爽,Putty太单薄,手头没Mac用不了iterm2。那就试试这个全能开源的终端吧(MobaXterm)!下面就介绍下MobaXterm的主要功能

传送门:MobaXterm官网 , MobaXterm下载


通过MobaXterm进行远程终端链接,你可以创建 SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, RDP, VNC, XDMCP, FTP, SFTP or 串口等链接。你的每次链接都会自动保存并且出现在左侧链接窗口中。

对于本机,MobaXterm让你可以在windows下运行Unix命令,如:ls, cd, grep, awk, tail, cut, sed, wget, rsync, telnet, ssh, rlogin, rsh…等等Unix基本命令。而且MobaXterm有很多免费的插件可以实现你更多的需求

图形化的SFTP 浏览器

当你链接一个ssh终端的时候,左侧窗口就会出现一个图形化的SFTP 浏览器,它可以让你通过安全的SFTP 链接拖放文件来管理远程服务器。(不喜欢可以关闭)






通过 RDP 协议远程链接并控制你的windows电脑. 在session 管理面板中你可以找到更多的RDP配置选项。


有了 MobaXterm ,你可以在Windows 电脑上,通过XDMCP协议,远程控制Solaris 桌面系统。


Embedded servers

MobaXterm allows you to start network daemons for remote access. No extra tool or runtime is needed in order to use these daemons.

Embedded tools

MobaXterm brings some useful tools for sysadmins, developpers, webmasters and all users who need to work efficiently with their computer.

SSH gateway

In ssh, telnet, RDP, VNC sessions, you can select a “SSH-gateway” (a.k.a. “jump host”) in order to tell MobaXterm to connect first to a SSH server before connecting to the end-server you want to reach in the end. This allow you to reach some servers behind a firewall and to secure your connection.

X11 server

When you run a SSH, TELNET or RLOGIN/RSH session you will be able to display your remote applications directly on your local Windows PC. In a SSH session, there is no need to set the “DISPLAY” variable as MobaXterm uses X11-forwarding in order to ease and secure your work.

Enhanced X extensions

The embedded X server based on X.org provides the latest features available in recent X server implementations: extensions such as OpenGL, Composite or Randr are included. Xdmcp protocol is also supported.

SSH tunnels (port forwarding)

The graphical SSH tunnels manager allows you to create your SSH tunnels using an intuitive graphical tool.

MobApt package manager

MobaXterm package manager (MobApt / apt-get) allows you to download and use much more Unix tools directly into MobaXterm terminal.

Macros support

You can record macros in MobaXterm terminal: everything you type in the terminal will be recorded in order to replay it later on other servers.

Passwords management

MobaXterm is able to save your session passwords and to keep them secure by using a “Master password”.

Professional Customizer

MobaXterm Professional Edition gives you access to professional support and to the “Customizer” software. This program allows you to generate customized copies of MobaXterm with your own logo and default settings.




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标签: MobaXterm,mRemoteNG,putty,remotedesktop,SocksCap64,xshell,xshell,xftp,建站软件,远程软件

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